BlocksBlock library

Block library

Understand the building blocks that power your workflows.


Blocks are the individual steps connected by paths to create workflows. They can represent UI elements, logical steps, or actions. Each block has configurable properties, allowing for custom behavior. You can also create reusable custom block templates create custom UI components for workflows.

Start block

Start block

Start blocks define the entry points for users to begin a workflow. They determine the conditions when a user can enter a workflow. Multiple start blocks can be used in a single workflow to allow different entry conditions. Once a user enters a workflow, they will not re-enter until they exit it.


  • User properties conditions: An array of conditions based on user properties that must be satisfied for a user to enter the workflow.

Component blocks

Component block

Component blocks display custom UI elements within your application. They come in two types:

  • Floating: UI components displayed over the application, such as modals and tooltips.
  • Inline: UI components integrated within the application layout, such as banners and cards, added via slots.

To use component blocks, create a block template and integrate the corresponding component into your application. Default component blocks are available to help you get started.

Tour block

Tour block

Tour blocks guide users through a series of steps to complete a task or learn about a feature. They can be used to onboard new users, introduce new features, or provide help.


  • Steps: An array of steps that define the tour flow. These steps use tour specific block templates to display content.

Logic blocks

Filter block

They can be used to define branching logic, conditions, and other rules.


Filters users based on specific conditions, allowing only those who match the criteria to proceed. Users that don’t match the conditions are stopped and won’t continue to next block, however if they have active another block the workflow won’t be exited.


  • User properties conditions: An array of user properties that users must meet to pass through the block.

End block

End block

End blocks exit the workflow. When a user reaches an end block, the workflow is completed and marked as finished.