
Block templates

Create custom UI components for workflows with block templates

Block templates


Block templates are reusable UI components that allow you to create custom elements for workflows. They contain properties and instructions, giving editors the power to create custom workflows. Each template must correspond to a matching component in your application.

Creating a block template

To create a block template:

  1. Navigate to Block templates.
  2. Click Create new template.
  3. Define the template’s properties and configure its exit nodes.

For more detailed guidance, refer to our guide on creating custom components.

Using block templates

Once a block template is created, you can use it in your workflows:

  1. Click Add block in the workflow editor.
  2. Select the desired block template.
  3. Configure its properties and connect it to other blocks within the workflow.

Updating block template instances

Block template updates are not automatically applied to their instances in workflows. To apply updates:

  1. Navigate to the template instance in a specific workflow.
  2. Click Update to synchronize the changes.

This approach prevents unintended disruptions in live workflows.

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