Switching from another platform? Get free usage!


Flows offer a usage-based pricing that starts at $0/month with a generous free forever tier.

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Started flows


flows / month







/ month

Starts at $0.009/started flow with first 1,000 free every month. We charge for every flow that you start, regardless if it finishes or not. Unsure how many flows you need? Our rule of thumb is 3 flows started per user per month.

Volume pricing

Flows offers volume based pricing, the more flows you start the less you pay.

First 1,000 flows

Free every month

1k - 15k

$0.0090 per flow

15k - 50k

$0.0075 per flow

50k +

$0.0050 per flow


Flows offers volume based pricing, the more flows you start the less you pay. Every month you will be billed based on the number of flows you started. To get an estimate of your monthly cost, use our pricing calculator above.

Yes, we offer a free tier for the first 1,000 flows started. No credit card required. When you exceed the free tier, you will need to upgrade to a pay as you go plan starting at $0.009 per flow.

Yes, we offer discounts for startups. Please reach out to us at hello@flows.sh

Flows calculates usage based on the number of flows you start. A flow is counted when a user starts an onboarding flow.

We will. We're happy to assist you with moving your existing onboarding to Flows. When transitioning to Flows from another tool, we offer free usage to cover the transition period and avoid double billing.

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