Flows docs are in early stages and not everything is documented yet. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Create flows
Start a flow

Start a flow

Select when and where to show a flow.

Start form

You can set the following options for when a flow should start:

  • When visiting a page: The flow will be shown when the user visits a specific page.
  • On click: The flow will be shown when the user clicks on a specific element.
  • When element shows up on a page: The flow will be shown when a specific element appears on the page / DOM.
  • On input change: The flow will be shown when the user changes the value of a specific input.
  • On form submit: The flow will be shown when the user submits a specific form.

Learn more about the setting up start options →

Multiple start options

You can set multiple start options for a flow. The flow will be shown when the user meets any of the conditions. To add another start options, click the Add start option button at the bottom of the form.